Wedding or Christening
A memorable and meaningful day
We look forward to helping you and your family celebrate your special occasion at Claines Church. Whether it is your Wedding Day or the Christening of your children, Claines is a special places in which to celebrate, give thanks, and ask for God’s blessing. Our weddings team will do their best to make your Wedding or Christening a personal, memorable, and meaningful occasion.

It’s a natural response to the birth of a child, the desire to celebrate and say thank you to God. Having a child enables us to sense the wonder of new life – the ‘miracle’ of birth – and so it’s only natural that many parents will want to bring their children to church to ask for God’s blessing. We want to welcome you to bring your child to celebrate their life and welcome them into the Christian Faith.
When two people marry in church they are inviting God to be present with them for the rest of their lives. We look forward to helping you make the best start to your married life by asking for God’s blessing and support.

To book a Wedding or Christening at Claines church please come along to any of our services and speak to one of the clergy, Duty wardens or co-ordinator and collect an application pack which explains how to book a date.
Not living in the area does not prevent you from having your Wedding or Christening at Claines Church. If you have a connection with the church through your parents or grandparents or you used to live in the parish as a child or you went to Claines School you are still eligible. We look forward to welcoming you, your families and your friends to Claines Church.